• Homoeopathy, derived from the Greek words “homios” and “pathos,” meaning “like” and “suffering,” respectively, is a holistic system of medicine. 
  • It supports the body’s natural healing processes by stimulating its vital force. This helps the body overcome diseases without causing adverse side effects.
  •  The term “homoeopathy” reflects its fundamental principle of “treating like with like.” This concept dates back to Hippocrates in the fourth century B.C. He observed that large doses of certain substances can produce symptoms in healthy individuals similar to those of the disease, while smaller doses can relieve those symptoms. 

Samuel Hahnemann, a German physician and the founder of Homoeopathy, further developed this concept in the 1790s. He proposed the law of “Similia similibus curentur,” meaning “Like cures like.” This law suggests that a substance that can produce symptoms in a healthy person can cure similar symptoms in a sick person. Homoeopathic remedies are prepared through a process of dilution known as potentiation. This process ensures that even toxic substances are diluted to such an extent that they have no possible side effects. These remedies are safe, non-toxic, and non-addictive. Homoeopathy focuses on individualized treatment, where remedies are tailored to each person’s specific symptoms and characteristics. This personalized approach aims to address the underlying cause of illness rather than just managing symptoms.

Why Homeopathy ?

  1. Homoeopathy Is Extremely Effective. When The Correct Remedy Is Taken, Results Can Be Rapid, Complete And Permanent.                                                          
  2. Homoeopathy Is Natural. Homeopathic Remedies Are Normally Based On Natural Ingredients.                                  
  3. Homeopathic Remedies Are Not Addictive – Once Relief Is Felt, You Should Stop Taking Them. If No Relief Is Felt, You Are Probably Taking The Wrong Homeopathic Remedy.                                                     
  4.  Homoeopathy Is Completely Safe. Even Babies And Pregnant Women Can Use Homoeopathy Without The Danger Of Side Effects. Homeopathic Remedies Can Also Be Taken Alongside Other Medication Without Producing Unwanted Side Effects.                               
  5.  Homoeopathy Works In Harmony With Your Immune System, Unlike Some Conventional Medicines Which Suppress The Immune System. (For Example, Cough Medicines Suppress The Cough Reflex, Which Is Your Body’s Attempt To Clear The Lungs)
  6. Homoeopathy Is Holistic. It Treats All The Symptoms As One, Which In Practical Terms Means That It Addresses The Cause, Not The Symptoms. This Often Means That Symptoms Tackled With Homoeopathy Do Not Recur.

How Homeopathy Effective ?

In Homoeopathy, the more diluted a solution is, the more potent it is believed to be. But how does such a tiny amount of substance affect the body? Some theories suggest that the process of dilution and succussion creates a pattern in the water that is then transmitted to the body’s own water, affecting its electromagnetic field.

This concept is also seen in other therapies. For example, Ayurveda suggests using water that has been in contact with precious metals like gold, believing it gains healing properties from the metal without any actual transfer of molecules.

The effects of micro-doses have been observed in various contexts. Scientists call this phenomenon hormesis. Michigan State University researchers used micro-doses of fertilizer to increase crop production significantly.

Our bodies also produce hormones in minute amounts that have powerful effects. For example, thyroid hormone, present in blood at 1 part per 10 billion, regulates our metabolism.

This concept is somewhat similar to the theory of the atomic bomb, where energy is released from splitting the nuclei of heavy atoms. Similarly, in Homoeopathy, the splitting of small drug substances into even smaller atoms is believed to generate energy.

Allopathy vs Homeopathy


  • Focuses on strengthening the body’s natural healing force.
  • Treats the underlying cause of disease, not just the symptoms.
  • Uses natural ingredients and is safe for all ages.
  • Works in harmony with the body’s immune system.
  • Believes diseases result from an imbalance in the body’s vital healing force.


  • Uses strong chemical drugs to suppress symptoms.
  • Often provides temporary relief but does not cure the underlying cause.
  • Can weaken the body’s natural healing force and immune system over time.
  • Does not always consider the holistic nature of the body.

Both systems have their merits, and the choice between them often depends on individual preferences and the nature of the illness.

Our Team of Doctors

Dr Sunil Garhwal


Dr Dalip Kalwa

BHMS( Homeopathy Physician)

Dr Priyanka Begad

BHMS ( Homeopathy Physician)

Dr Aman Singh

BHMS ( Homeopathy Physician)

Our Vision

Garhwal Homeopathy proudly presents a team of expert homeopathic doctors dedicated to delivering exceptional care.

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Our mission is simple: to provide the best treatment possible to each and every patient with warmth and expertise.

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